Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Why do my Skullcandy Earbuds work only when halfway in?

Original Yahoo Answers question: Earbuds work only when halfway in?

Funny Answer: If you are complaining about this you have obviously not understood what Skullcandy earphones and headphones are about: it is not about sound, it is about style! When you buy a pair of Skullcandys what to buy is the privilege of having a skull in your ear and the recognition of your peers when you wear them in the street. The fact that it actually produce any sound, let alone music should be considered a bonus.

Serious Answers: If you get this problem with more than one source there is probably a short in your earphone plug and the earphone should be replaced. Note that Skullcandy does not have the best reputation when it comes to build and sound quality, so you may want to switch to a better brand like Sennheiser. If the problem appears only with one source (i. e. problem with your mp3 player but not your phone) it is probably a problem with that sources headphone jack.

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