Thursday, October 18, 2012

Are there living things that can survive without oxygen?

Original Yahoo! answer question: Is there any living thing that can survive without oxygen?

Funny Answer:  Yes, my mother -in-law. No matter how much I try to deprive her from oxygen by strangulating her she still keeps on telling my wife that she could have done better than me. I suspect that if all the oxygen of the world would disappear she would still survive.

Serious Answer: Actually yes, there is a class of bacteria that is called anaerobic bacteria that can't live in the presence of oxygen, so obviously they can survive without oxygen. When life initially developed on earth there was actually no oxygen in the atmosphere, the oxygen that now exists is a by-product of the metabolism of the first living organisms. Now some examples of such a metabolism can still be seen in some archaebacteria.

What causes hiccups?

Original Yahoo! answer question: Why do hiccups happen?

Funny Answer: Hiccups are a way for your body to express its dissatisfaction with your person by annoying you as much as possible. Yes, your body actually reached the point where it considers it better to embarrass you socially and prevent you from sleeping, eating and drinking comfortably than to let you continue to live as you do now. If a hiccup causes you to spill while drinking your body considers it a bonus. The bonus is double if the spilled liquid was colored and you made ugly stains on your clothes. The bonus is triple if this happened in public and other people are laughing at you. Yes, your body can be a bastard sometimes.

Serious Answer: Actually hiccups are an uncontrollable movement of the diaphragm muscle (no, nothing to do with the birth control diaphragm). The causes of the hiccups can be multiple. It is usually annoying but benign unless it goes on for several hours, at which point the hiccups can cause pain / damage the muscle. It is extremely rare that hiccups causes any damage however.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Do we burn calories or energy when we sleep?

Original Yahoo! answer question: Sleep?do we need energy for that?and why? and How many calories do you burn while sleeping?

Funny Answer: No, when humans go to sleep they end up in a state of suspended animation where the heart and breathing stops. Then the body temperature drops toward room temperature. At that point the human body becomes rigid like a plank, senseless and does not burn calories or energy at all due to the sleep. You see this phenomenon all the time in hypnosis shows.

Serious Answer: Actually you burn quite a lot of calories when you sleep, The exact amount varies based on your weight, but for the average person (160 lbs) it is about 70 calories per hour. This energy is used to maintain body temperature, pump blood in your veins, breathe, maintain brain activity, digest food etc... Somebody who would sleep 24 hours a day would still burn about 1600 calories per day. An active person burns between 2000 and 2500 calories per day though, so being awake is better for your diet than sleeping all day, but not by that much.

Can vegans sit in leather seats?

Original Yahoo! Answers question: I have leather car seats, could a vegan sit in it?

Funny Answer: Of course vegans won't sit in a leather chair, that's dead cow hide! Imagine the suffering the poor cow that was skinned (probably alive to be more cruel) to make that leather seat. What are you, a monster? Next you ll want me to start speaking the the horrible people that are wearing leather belts again. All my vegan approved seats are made from mineral stone or
guaranteed 100% fake mineral fabric. Now I must leave you because my ass hurts.

Serious answer: Not even worth it...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Why do my Skullcandy Earbuds work only when halfway in?

Original Yahoo Answers question: Earbuds work only when halfway in?

Funny Answer: If you are complaining about this you have obviously not understood what Skullcandy earphones and headphones are about: it is not about sound, it is about style! When you buy a pair of Skullcandys what to buy is the privilege of having a skull in your ear and the recognition of your peers when you wear them in the street. The fact that it actually produce any sound, let alone music should be considered a bonus.

Serious Answers: If you get this problem with more than one source there is probably a short in your earphone plug and the earphone should be replaced. Note that Skullcandy does not have the best reputation when it comes to build and sound quality, so you may want to switch to a better brand like Sennheiser. If the problem appears only with one source (i. e. problem with your mp3 player but not your phone) it is probably a problem with that sources headphone jack.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Can I phone the Police just to have some company?

Original Yahoo Answers post: Is it alright to phone the police so you can have a cup of tea and buscuits with them?

Funny Answer: Yeah it's fine. After all they are paid by your tax dollars, so why not have them spend time with you? What else do they have to do anyway, give out parking fines? And I am sure all those speeding motorists will feel safer knowing that "the force" is in your house rather than checking speed on the highway. As an added bonus they are already in the house and ready to arrest the criminals should there be a home invasion or burglary.

Serious answer: I do not think that it is the role of the police. You should try to find what social activities are organized in your town. Scrabble club or Bingo may seem boring, but they are an opportunity to meet people.

How to get rid of a terrible selfish one-night-stand?

Original Yahoo Answers question: Terrible selfish one-night-stand is pestering me. help?

Funny Answer: You should call this guy and tell him that you want him to use you for sex as often as he wants. Then have sex with him as often as possible, several times per day if you can! IMHO after a few years even he will realize that passionless sex is not much better that masturbation and go back to using the much more practical hand instead of all this complicated "sleeping with a girl" business.

Serious Answer: Just ignore the jerk, don't read his texts, don't answer his calls. Everybody can be (and usually is) bad in bed the first time they have sex with a new girl, but if he is not even trying to please you at all he's not worth your time.

How often should I use steroids?

Original Yahoo Answers question: How often should I use steroids to keep My results from them?

Funny Answer: Well, use steroids as often as possible of course! Your gonads have probably started to shrink already, so why not go all the way and try to make them as small as possible? Not that it would be easy to get a girl anyway with all that steroid induced acne, but who needs sex when you have got muscle! And since you gonna die young you don't even have to save for retirement, so more money to buy steroids often, yay!

Serious Answer: IMHO you should not use steroids at all unless directed by your doctor. Just look at the list of side effects from Wikipedia:

Health risks can be produced by long-term use or excessive doses of anabolic steroids. These effects include harmful changes in cholesterol levels (increased low-density lipoprotein and decreased high-density lipoprotein), acne, high blood pressure, liver damage (mainly with oral steroids), dangerous changes in the structure of the left ventricle of the heart. Conditions pertaining to hormonal imbalances such as gynecomastia and testicular atrophy may also be caused by anabolic steroids.

Is cheese bad for my diet?

Original Yahoo Answers question: Would having cheese be bad?

Funny Answer: Nooo, stuffing yourself with cheese that is about 45% saturated fats won't be bad for your diet and your figure, large curves are in fashion nowadays! And have you seen this new cheese in a can? Now you can just put the nozzle in your mouth and press away until it comes out of your nose! Bonus is that any cheese that spills out of your nostrils won't bring you any calories at all (unless you re-eat it, but that would be gross, it has been in your nose).

Serious Answer: Actually eating small amounts of cheese is not bad for your health or diet because it contains a large amount of Calcium that is often lacking in processed foods. It is also a good source of animal proteins for those who don't want to eat meat. Consuming large amounts while dieting is not advised due to the important caloric intake unless you are on a low-carb diet like Atkins. Also the high saturated fat content means you should avoid cheese if you have high cholesterol or cardio-vascular problems.

What do you think about cheese while dieting? Write a comment below!